
Hello Géraldine here, nice to meet you!

This is why the New Reality School came into being.




We are evolving to a new way of being.

If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve already noticed that times are shifting and our awareness is evolving. You’ve discovered that there’s more than what you were always told or believed. You realize that what others do and say is not always the best for you. And deep down, you feel an untapped potential to achieve more than you could have ever imagined.




Why then do we so often dream of a new beginning, yet limit ourselves before we even start?

We hunger for more vitality, yet spill it on insignificant things. We’d like to find new solutions but hold on to old habits and norms that dampen our natural energy and creativity. We adopt others’ advice without understanding why our souls object. We crave freedom, playfulness and abundance, yet confine ourselves by comparing, concealing, and delaying. We yearn to realize potential, yet our dreams stay small.





There is more possible beyond the norm.

After witnessing countless transformation processes over the years, it deeply dawned on me that there are far more possibilities than the limited conditioning with which we have grown up. To realize this potential within ourselves, we don’t need to work harder, follow strict strategies, or constantly try to control the outcomes.






Creating a new reality and realizing potential is the result of a delicate process of unlearning, reimagining, and rediscovering the vast landscape of possibilities. This process touches the essence of who you are, opening up a broader energy field with the potential to transform you and the world around you as a whole.





A new awareness.

Through the exploration of possibilities and the activation of our own energy, creativity, imagination, intuition, expression, creation, and healing, a new awareness arises. This awareness understands the importance of our inner world in creating inspiring new external realities. 





Activating your unique vision.

I believe that every person has a unique style, vibe and vision to bring to this world. I envision a world where we can authentically be ourselves, be absolutely FREE to be, speak, move, and create on our own terms, where our unique talents can meet and inspire each other, allowing us to collectively evolve.






dream big.
feel more.
embrace change.
seek the unknown.
express yourself.
create from essence.
step into a new potential
without detours.





Read more about how the new reality school came to exist

COMING SOON △ Transform what’s holding you back and leap into a new dimension 

COMING SOON △ The full canvas to turn possibilities into day-to-day realities